How to use Infographics to Summarize your Whitepapers

Did you know that infographics can make your whitepapers more engaging and effective? According to a study by Venngage, infographics can increase web traffic by 12% and social shares by 3 times.

But what are infographics and why are they useful for summarizing whitepapers?

Infographics are visual representations of data, information or knowledge that can help readers understand complex topics quickly and easily. They can also capture attention, highlight key points and convey value propositions.

Whitepapers are long-form content that provide in-depth analysis, research or solutions on a specific topic. They are often used for thought leadership, lead generation or education purposes.

However, whitepapers can also be dense, boring or overwhelming for some readers who may not have the time or interest to read them fully.

That’s where infographics come in handy. By creating summary graphics for each section of your whitepaper or an infographic fact sheet for the whole document, you can make your whitepaper more accessible, digestible and shareable.

In this blog post, we will show you how to use infographics to summarize your whitepapers in 5 easy steps. Let’s get started!

How to create a summary graphic for your whitepaper

A summary graphic is a powerful tool to make your whitepaper more engaging and effective. It is a visual representation of the key points from a section of your whitepaper that can help your readers:

  • Quickly grasp your main idea or goal
  • Easily understand your data, information or knowledge
  • Remember your message better

To create a summary graphic for your whitepaper, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the main idea or goal of each section

    • Read through your text and highlight the main idea or goal of each section
    • Write down a short sentence that summarizes your main idea or goal
    • Use this sentence as the title or headline of your summary graphic
  2. Select the most important information that supports your main idea

    • Distinguish the bits of information that really matter from those that are less important
    • Choose only 3-5 key points that support your main idea or goal
    • Write down a short phrase or bullet point for each key point
  3. Choose the best type of visual for your information (e.g., infographic, chart, diagram etc.)

    • Consider what type of visual will best convey your information (e.g., infographic for statistics, chart for comparison, diagram for process etc.)
    • Use simple and clear visuals that are easy to understand at a glance
    • Avoid cluttering your summary graphic with too many visuals or elements
  4. Use a template or tool to design your summary graphic (e.g., Venngage)

    • Find a template or tool that suits your needs and preferences (e.g., Venngage has hundreds of templates and tools for creating infographics, charts, diagrams etc.)
    • Customize your template or tool with your own information, colors, fonts etc.
    • Make sure your summary graphic is consistent with the rest of your whitepaper (e.g., branding, tone etc.)
  5. Place your summary graphic at the beginning or end of each section

    • Decide where you want to place your summary graphic in relation to each section (e.g., at the beginning to introduce it, at the end to recap it etc.)
    • Make sure there is enough space and contrast between your summary graphic and text
    • Use captions or labels if needed to explain any part of your summary graphic

By following these steps, you can create summary graphics that will impress your readers. 

How to write an infographic headline that captures attention

An infographic headline is one of the most important elements of your infographic design. It should summarize your infographic content and value proposition in a clear and catchy way. A good infographic headline can attract more readers, increase engagement and boost your SEO ranking.

But how do you write an infographic headline that captures attention? Here are some tips:

  • Use keywords that match your topic and audience’s intent. Keywords can help you rank higher on search engines and make your headline more relevant to your readers. For example, if you are writing about how to use infographics to summarize your whitepapers, you can use keywords like “infographics”, “whitepapers”, “summarize” or “visualize”.
  • Use numbers, questions or power words to make your headline more compelling. Numbers can show specific data or statistics that support your value proposition. Questions can spark curiosity and invite readers to learn more. Power words can evoke emotions or urgency that motivate readers to take action. For example, you can write something like “How to Create Infographics That Summarize Your Whitepapers in 5 Easy Steps” or “The Ultimate Guide to Using Infographics for Whitepaper Marketing”.
  • Keep it short and simple. A good infographic headline should be concise and easy to understand. Avoid using jargon, acronyms or complex words that might confuse your readers. Aim for no more than 10 words or 70 characters for optimal readability.

Here are some examples of good and bad infographic headlines:

Good: How Infographics Can Boost Your Whitepaper Engagement by 300%
Bad: Infographic Marketing Strategies for Whitepaper Content

Why it works: The good headline uses a number, a power word (“boost”) and a clear value proposition (“engagement”). The bad headline is vague, generic and lacks specificity.

Good: How to Visualize Data in Your Whitepapers with Stunning Infographics
Bad: Data Visualization Techniques for Whitepapers Using Infographics

Why it works: The good headline uses a question, a power word (“stunning”) and a clear benefit (“visualize data”). The bad headline is boring, technical and lacks appeal.

How to make an infographic in under an hour

Making an infographic can seem like a daunting task, especially if you have limited time and resources. But with an infographic template, you can create your own infographic quickly and easily, without compromising on quality or design.

An infographic template is a pre-designed layout that you can customize with your own data, content and branding. It saves you time and effort by providing you with a ready-made structure, graphics and fonts that suit your topic and audience.

But how do you choose an infographic template that works for your whitepaper? Here are some tips:

Consider the type of whitepaper you are creating.

Different types of whitepapers require different types of infographics. For example, if you are creating a data-driven whitepaper that showcases statistics or trends, you might want to use a chart-based infographic template that can display your data clearly and accurately. If you are creating an educational whitepaper that teaches something new or explains a complex concept, you might want to use a process-based infographic template that can break down your information into steps or stages. If you are creating a persuasive whitepaper that aims to convince or influence your readers, you might want to use a comparison-based infographic template that can highlight the benefits or drawbacks of different options or scenarios.

Choose an infographic template that matches your brand and topic.

Your infographic should reflect your brand identity and tone of voice, as well as your whitepaper theme and message. You can customize your infographic template with colors, fonts, icons and images that suit your style and purpose. For example, if you are writing about how to use infographics to summarize your whitepapers, you might want to use bright colors, modern fonts, simple icons and relevant images that convey creativity and professionalism.

How to make data visualizations for your infographic

Data visualizations are graphical representations of data that help you communicate complex information in a clear and engaging way. They can also enhance your whitepapers by summarizing key points, highlighting trends, comparing data sets, and more.

But how do you make data visualizations for your infographic? Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Collect data for your infographic. You need to have reliable and relevant data sources that support your whitepaper topic and goals. You can use online tools like Google Scholar, Statista, Pew Research Center, etc. to find credible data on various topics.

  2. Choose the right type of chart or graph for your data. Depending on what you want to show with your data, you can use different types of charts or graphs, such as bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, maps, tables, etc. You can use this guide from Venngage to help you choose the best chart for your data.

  3. Use an infographic template to create your layout quickly and easily. You don’t have to start from scratch when making an infographic. You can use an online tool like Visme or Canva to access hundreds of infographic templates that suit different types of whitepapers (e.g., data-driven, educational, persuasive). You can also customize your template with colors, fonts, icons and images that match your brand and topic.

  4. Add your data visualizations to your infographic using drag-and-drop tools. Once you have chosen a template and a chart type for your data visualization, you can easily add them to your infographic using online tools like Visme or Canva. You can also edit them by changing their size, position, colors, labels etc.

  5. Write captions and titles for your data visualizations that explain what they show and why they matter. Your data visualizations should not stand alone in your infographic; they should be accompanied by clear captions and titles that tell the reader what they are looking at and what insights they can get from them.


Infographics are powerful tools to summarize and visualize your whitepapers. They can help you highlight the key points, data and value propositions of your long-form content in a concise and engaging way. Infographics can also boost your SEO ranking, traffic and conversions by attracting more readers and sharing your expertise. To create effective infographics for your whitepapers, you need to follow these steps:

  • Outline your goals and audience for your infographic
  • Collect relevant data and information from your whitepaper
  • Make data visualizations that suit your message and style
  • Create a layout using an infographic template or tool
  • Write a catchy headline and clear copy for your infographic

By following these steps, you can turn your whitepapers into infographics that will impress your readers and showcase your authority.

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